It has been a stacked couple of months and it hasn’t stopped yet. Traveling is one of the best aspects of what I do and I always say the same thing…when I’m away, I’m always ready to be home, and when I’m home, I’m always ready for the next trip. It is a vicious cycle but one that I’ve grown accustomed to over the past decade. I spent a few weeks in Mexico, a few weeks in Santa Barbara and I’m currently in Lake Tahoe until the end of next week. New things in the works, as well as new photos in a few of the galleries on my site including updates in the Landscape Gallery as well as the Mexico Gallery. The next show is in the works for the studio and will be coming to life within the next month or so if all goes well.

More news to follow as soon as the date is set and everything is ready to go. And if you can make it, it will be in Burbank at Golden Age Studio. Free beer, good vibes and good people guaranteed.


Written by admin